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red flag - 붉은 깃발?


The phrase "red flag" is commonly used to indicate a warning or a sign of impending trouble, danger, or a problem. It's often used to point out something suspicious or concerning that requires attention or caution.


"red flag"라는 문구는 일반적으로 임박한 문제, 위험 또는 문제의 경고 또는 징후를 나타내는 데 사용됩니다. 주의나 주의가 필요한 의심스럽거나 우려스러운 사항을 지적하는 데 자주 사용됩니다.



The origin of "red flag" as a metaphor for danger goes back to various historical practices. One notable origin is from the railway systems in the 19th century, where red flags or lights were used to indicate that trains should stop or slow down due to potential hazards ahead. Another origin can be traced to maritime traditions, where a red flag signaled a ship in distress or a warning about dangerous conditions.


위험에 대한 은유로서 '위험 신호'의 기원은 다양한 역사적 관행으로 거슬러 올라갑니다. 19세기 철도 시스템에서 전방의 잠재적 위험으로 인해 열차가 멈추거나 속도를 줄여야 한다는 것을 알리기 위해 붉은 깃발이나 불빛을 사용했던 것이 그 대표적인 예입니다. 또 다른 기원은 선박이 조난을 당했거나 위험한 상황에 대한 경고를 알리는 신호로 붉은 깃발을 사용했던 해양 전통에서 찾을 수 있습니다.

Exemplary Sentences

  1. In Relationships: "When he started checking my phone without permission, it was a major red flag for me about our relationship."
  2. In Business: "The sudden resignation of multiple senior managers was a red flag that there might be internal problems in the company."
  3. In Personal Finance: "Consistently late payments on a credit report are a red flag to lenders about someone's financial stability."
  4. In Health and Safety: "Persistent cough and shortness of breath can be red flags for respiratory issues that require medical attention."
  5. In Technology: "A sudden spike in system errors is a red flag indicating potential cybersecurity threats."

예시 문장

관계: "그가 허락 없이 제 휴대폰을 확인하기 시작했을 때, 저는 우리 관계에 대한 큰 적신호를 느꼈습니다."

비즈니스: "여러 명의 고위 관리자가 갑자기 사임한 것은 회사 내부에 문제가 있을 수 있다는 적신호였습니다."

개인 금융 분야: "신용 보고서에 지속적으로 연체 기록이 남는다는 것은 대출 기관에게 재정적 안정성에 대한 위험 신호입니다."

보건 분야: "지속적인 기침과 숨가쁨은 의학적 조치가 필요한 호흡기 질환의 위험 신호일 수 있습니다."

기술 분야: "시스템 오류의 갑작스러운 급증은 잠재적인 사이버 보안 위협을 나타내는 위험 신호입니다."


red flag 표현을 사용한 대화

Minnie: Good morning, everyone. Today, I'm thrilled to unveil our new marketing strategy for our home beauty device. As you know, the market is booming, but so is the competition, especially with APR going public soon.

Colleague 1: Sounds promising, Minnie. Can you elaborate on how we plan to use influencers in this campaign?

Minnie: Absolutely. We're targeting well-known beauty influencers on social media. By collaborating with them, we can leverage their following to boost our brand's visibility and sales.

Jinho: That's an interesting approach, Minnie. But I see a potential red flag here. How do we ensure that these influencers genuinely resonate with our brand and aren't just promoting for the paycheck? We need authentic engagement.

Minnie: That's a great point, Jinho. We're handpicking influencers who have shown a real interest in beauty tech and have a history of engaging content. Plus, we'll work closely with them to create genuine and relatable content.

Colleague 2: Minnie, about the budget, how much are we allocating for this influencer marketing? We need to ensure we're not overspending given the competitive landscape.

Minnie: We've set a realistic budget that aligns with our sales targets. We're focusing on quality over quantity, choosing influencers who can give us the best ROI.

Colleague 3: And how will we measure the success of this strategy?

Minnie: We'll track key metrics like engagement rates, conversion rates, and overall sales performance. This data will help us fine-tune our approach as we go.

Jinho: It sounds like a solid plan, Minnie, but let's remain vigilant. The market is unpredictable, and we need to be ready to adapt if we spot any more red flags.

Minnie: Absolutely, Jinho. We're all in this together. Let's make this a winning season for our brand!


미니: 안녕하세요, 여러분. 오늘은 홈 뷰티 디바이스에 대한 새로운 마케팅 전략을 공개하게 되어 매우 기쁩니다. 아시다시피 홈 뷰티 디바이스 시장은 호황을 누리고 있지만 경쟁도 치열해지고 있고, 특히 곧 상장을 앞두고 있는 APR과 경쟁도 치열합니다.

동료 1: 유망해 보이네요, 미니님. 이 캠페인에서 인플루언서를 어떻게 활용할 계획인지 자세히 설명해 주시겠어요?

미니: 물론이죠. 소셜 미디어에서 잘 알려진 뷰티 인플루언서를 타깃으로 삼고 있습니다. 인플루언서와의 협업을 통해 그들의 팔로워를 활용하여 브랜드 인지도와 매출을 높일 수 있습니다.

진호: 흥미로운 접근 방식이네요, 미니님. 하지만 여기서 잠재적인 위험 신호가 보입니다. 이러한 인플루언서들이 단순히 돈을 받고 홍보하는 것이 아니라 진정으로 우리 브랜드에 공감하고 있는지 어떻게 확인할 수 있을까요? 진정성 있는 참여가 필요합니다.

미니: 좋은 지적이네요, 진호님. 저희는 뷰티 테크에 진정으로 관심을 보이고 매력적인 콘텐츠의 이력이 있는 인플루언서를 엄선하고 있습니다. 또한 진정성 있고 공감할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 만들기 위해 그들과 긴밀히 협력할 것입니다.

동료 2: 미니님, 예산과 관련하여 인플루언서 마케팅에 얼마를 할당하고 있나요? 경쟁 환경을 고려할 때 과도한 지출이 발생하지 않도록 해야 합니다.

미니: 저희는 매출 목표에 맞춰 현실적인 예산을 책정했습니다. 양보다는 질에 집중하여 최고의 ROI를 낼 수 있는 인플루언서를 선택하고 있습니다.

동료 3: 이 전략의 성공 여부는 어떻게 측정하나요?

미니: 참여율, 전환율, 전반적인 판매 실적과 같은 주요 지표를 추적할 것입니다. 이 데이터는 진행하면서 접근 방식을 미세 조정하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.

진호: 탄탄한 계획인 것 같지만, 경계를 늦추지 말자고요. 시장은 예측하기 어렵기 때문에 위험 신호를 발견하면 바로 대응할 수 있도록 준비해야 해요.

미니: 당연하지요, 진호님. 우리 모두 함께 해야죠. 이번 시즌을 우리 브랜드의 성공적인 시즌으로 만들어 봅시다!


유의어 살펴보기 (번역 미제공)

1. Warning Sign

  • Meaning: An indicator that something is wrong or potentially problematic.
  • Nuance: Generally used in a broader context, not limited to serious dangers but also minor issues.
  • Example: "The constant errors in his reports were a warning sign that he might not be suitable for the project."

2. Alarm Bells

  • Meaning: Something that alerts or signals a problem.
  • Nuance: Implies a more immediate sense of urgency or concern.
  • Example: "When she hadn't returned my calls for two days, alarm bells started to ring."

3. Caution

  • Meaning: A warning against danger or risk.
  • Nuance: More formal and often used in official or safety-related contexts.
  • Example: "The breach in protocol should be taken as a caution about lax security measures."

4. Wake-up Call

  • Meaning: An event that alerts someone to a problem and urges them to take action.
  • Nuance: Often used in personal or life-changing contexts, suggesting a need for immediate action or change.
  • Example: "His health scare was a wake-up call to start exercising and eating right."

5. Canary in the Coal Mine

  • Meaning: An early indicator of potential danger or failure.
  • Nuance: Refers to a warning of significant, often large-scale issues, derived from historical use where canaries were used to detect gas in mines.
  • Example: "The declining sales in the first quarter were the canary in the coal mine for the company’s financial troubles."

6. Trouble Brewing

  • Meaning: Indications that there will be problems in the future.
  • Nuance: Often used for situations that are developing over time, not immediate.
  • Example: "The employees' frequent complaints are trouble brewing for the management."

7. Bad Omen

  • Meaning: A sign or indication that something bad will happen in the future.
  • Nuance: Has a more superstitious or foreboding tone.
  • Example: "The CEO's sudden resignation was seen as a bad omen for the company's future."

8. Heads Up

  • Meaning: Advance notice or warning about something.
  • Nuance: Less about danger and more about providing information beforehand; more informal.
  • Example: "Just a heads up: the roads are icy, so drive carefully."