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저 소음은 정말 참기 힘드네요 (I can't stand the noise)

<기본 표현>

저 소음은 정말 참기 힘드네요

I can't stand the noise



Mr. Kim: "Hyeon-Ju, could we have a quick chat?"

Hyeon-Ju: "Of course, Mr. Kim. What's on your mind?"

Mr. Kim: "It's about the office environment. Lately, I've been finding it difficult to concentrate. I can't stand the noise coming from the construction outside."

Hyeon-Ju: "I understand, Mr. Kim. It has been quite loud, especially with the ongoing renovations."

Mr. Kim: "I'm thinking of requesting a temporary relocation for our team. Maybe a quieter part of the building or remote work options for a while. What are your thoughts?"

Hyeon-Ju: "That sounds like a reasonable solution. A quieter workspace would certainly help us focus better. Remote work could also be beneficial for some of us."

Mr. Kim: "Great, I'll discuss this with HR and see what can be arranged. In the meantime, let's try to find ways to minimize the disturbance."

Hyeon-Ju: "I'll spread the word to the team and see if anyone has suggestions. We'll get through this together."

<참고용 국문 번역>  (국문을 보고 영어로 생각하는 연습을 해 보자구요!)

김: "현주 씨, 잠깐 얘기 좀 할 수 있을까요?"

현주: "물론이죠, 김 팀장님. 무슨 생각 있으세요?"

김:  "사무실 환경 때문이에요. 요즘 집중하기가 힘들어요. 밖에서 공사하는 소리가 너무 커서 견딜 수가 없어요."

현주:  "이해합니다. 특히 공사가 계속 진행 중이라 꽤 시끄러웠어요."

김:  "우리 팀을 위해 임시 근무지 이전을 요청할까 생각 중입니다. 건물의 한적한 곳으로 옮기거나 당분간 원격 근무를 하는 방안이 있을 것 같습니다. 어떻게 생각하세요?"

현주:  "합리적인 해결책인 것 같네요. 조용한 업무 공간은 확실히 집중력을 높이는 데 도움이 될 것 같습니다. 원격 근무도 일부 직원들에게 도움이 될 수 있을 것 같아요."

김:  "좋아요, 인사팀과 상의해서 어떤 방안을 마련할 수 있는지 알아보겠습니다. 그 동안 업무 방해를 최소화할 수 있는 방법을 찾아봅시다."

현주: "팀원들에게 이 사실을 알리고 좋은 아이디어가 있는지 알아볼게요. 다 같이 힘을 합쳐 이겨내야죠."


"spread the word to"의 의미

The expression "spread the word to" is commonly used to indicate the action of sharing or disseminating information to a group of people. It suggests informing others about something, typically through communication or conversation. In the context of the script, it implies the colleague will inform the rest of the team about a particular situation or decision.

"spread the word to"라는 표현은 일반적으로 여러 사람에게 정보를 공유하거나 전파하는 행위를 나타낼 때 사용됩니다. 이 표현은 일반적으로 커뮤니케이션이나 대화를 통해 다른 사람에게 무언가에 대해 알리는 것을 의미합니다. 위 대화의 맥락에서는 동료가 나머지 팀원들에게 특정 상황이나 결정에 대해 알리는 것을 의미합니다.

유사 표현 배우기

Alternative expressions that can be used in similar situations:

  1. Inform everyone: This is a straightforward way of saying that you will tell all relevant people about something.
  2. Notify the team: This implies formally letting the team know, often used in professional settings.
  3. Pass along the message: This suggests relaying information to others, possibly through different people.
  4. Circulate the news: This is often used when the information is of interest or importance and needs to be shared widely.
  5. Disseminate the information: A more formal way to say spreading the information, often used in official or organizational contexts.
  6. Broadcast the update: This implies sending out a message to a wide audience, not necessarily through broadcasting media but through any means of widespread communication.
  7. Share the details with everyone: A simple and direct way of saying that you will make sure everyone is aware of the details.

Each of these alternatives can be used depending on the formality of the situation and the means through which the information is being shared.


  1. Inform everyone:
    "Once the meeting date is confirmed, I'll inform everyone about the new schedule."
  2. Notify the team:
    "As soon as we receive the client's feedback, please notify the team to begin the next phase of the project."
  3. Pass along the message:
    "Can you pass along the message to the rest of the department that the weekly briefing has been moved to Thursday?"
  4. Circulate the news:
    "We've achieved our quarterly targets ahead of schedule. Please circulate the news in the office to boost morale."
  5. Disseminate the information:
    "The new safety protocols are crucial. Ensure to disseminate the information through all our internal communication channels."
  6. Broadcast the update:
    "Once the software update is ready, we need to broadcast the update to all users promptly."
  7. Share the details with everyone:
    "After finalizing the event details, share them with everyone so they can start preparing accordingly."